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Book Chapters


Vandermeer, J., Z. Haijian-Forooshani, I.S. Rivera*, and I. Perfecto. 2023. Pest control in Coffee: A tri-trophic comparison between a mainland and an island agroecosystem. In: Moreira, X., Abdala-Roberts, L. (eds) Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Herbivore Interactions on Islands. Ecological Studies, vol 249. Springer, Cham.


Perfecto, I., and Vandermeer J. 2023. Nature’s Matrix: The quality of managed and natural landscapes. In: Paleo, U. F. and Castiñeiras, L. (Eds.), Family Farms and the Conservation of Agrobiodiversity in Cuba. Taylor and Francis, Sept 4, 2023.


Aviles, K, e I. Perfecto (con C. Ramos y W. Zayas). 2023. Cosechando Libertad: un Sistema alimentario regenerative emancipatorio para un nuevo Puerto Rico. En Pactos Ecosociales en Puerto Rico, G. Gacia Lopes y F. Cintrón Moscoso (eds.). 23 JunteGente + El Puente ELAC, San Juan, PR.


McCune, N., Y. Luna, J. Vandermeere I. Perfecto. 2021. Cuestiones agrarias y transformaciones agroecológicas. In: M. Benítez, T. Rivera-Núñez and L. García- Barrios (eds.), Agroecología y Sistemas Complejos: Planteamientos Epistémicos, Casos de Estudio y Enfoques Metodológicos, SOCLA, Mexico, pp 27-50.


Morales, H., G. P. Zualaga Sánchez, M. V. González-Santiago, I, Perfecto and S. Papuccio de Vidal. 2018. Alianza de Mujeres en Agroecología (AMA-AWA): Fortaleciendo vínculos entre académicas para el escalamiento de la agroecología. In: G. P. Zulugna Sánchez, G. Catacora-Vargas, and E. Siliprandi (eds.), Agroecología en Femenino: Reflexiones a Partir de Nuestras Experiencias,
SOCLA, Editorial e Imagen Publicitaria, Bolivia, pp 15-34.


​Perfecto, I. and J. Vandermeer. 2017. The quality of the agricultural matrix and long term conservation of biodiversity. In: P. Hunter, L. Guarino, C. Spillane, and P. McKeown (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity, Routledge, Taylor Group, New York, New York, pp. 133-152.


Armbrecht, I. and I. Perfecto. 2017. Ant-plant-herbivore interactions in northern Neotropical agroecosystems. In: P. Oliveira and S. Koptur (eds.), Ant-Plant Interactions in a Changing World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 356-376.


Perfecto, I. and J. Vandermeer. 2017. A landscape approach to integrating food production and Conservation. In: I. Gordon, G. Squire and H. Prins, (eds.) Food Security and Nature Conservation: Conflicts and Solutions, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Books, pp. 133.


Vandermeer, J. and I. Perfecto. 2015. Complex traditions in agroecology: 
intersecting theoretical frameworks in agroecological research. In: Méndez, V. E., C. M. Bacon, R. Cohen, and S. R. Gliessman (eds.), Agroecology: A Transdisciplinary, Participatory and Action-oriented Approach, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.


Vandermeer, J. and I. Perfecto. 2014. Paradigms lost: tropical conservation under late capitalism. In: Hecht, S., K. Morrison and C. Padoch (eds.), Social Life of Forests, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.


Lin, B. B. and I. Perfecto. 2012. Coffee agroforestry systems and the benefits of biodiversity for farmers. In: Simonetti JA, AA Grez & CF Estades (eds), Biodiversity conservation in agroforestry landscapes: challenges and opportunities. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago. Pp. 15-40.


Vandermeer, J and I. Perfecto. 2012. Intensification of coffee production and its biodiversity consequences. In: Lindenmayer, D., S. Cunningham and A. Young (eds.). Land Use Intensification Effects on Agriculture, Biodiversity and Ecological Processes, CSIRO Publishing, Australia.


Ferguson, B. G. H. Morales, A. González Rojas, F. de Jesús Íñiguez Pérez, M. E. Martínez Torres, K. McAfee, R. Nigh, I. Perfecto, S. M. Philpott, L. Soto Pinto, J. Vandermeer, R. M. Vidal, L. E. Ávila Romero, H. Bernardino, R. Realpozo Reye. 2009. Bosques, agricultura y sociedad: Cultivando nuevas alianzas. In: Altieri, M. A. (ed.), Vertientes del pensamiento agroecológico, Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología, Medellín, Colombia.


Philpott, S. M., I. Perfecto, I. Armbrecht, and C. Parr. 2009. Disturbance and habitat transformation. In: L. Lach, C. Parr, and K. Abbott (eds.), Ant Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.


Nivia#, E., I. Perfecto#, M. Ahumada, K. Luz, R. Perez, J. Santamaria (plus 11 contributing authors) 2009. Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: Context, Evolution and Current Situation, pp. 1-75. In International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: LAC Report. Island Press, Washington DC. (# Lead Coordinating Authors).


Vendermeer, J., I. Perfecto, S. M. Philpott and J. Chappell. 2008. Reenfocando la 
conservación en el paisaje: La importancia de la matriz. In: J. Saenz and C. Harvey (eds.), Evaluación y conservación de la biodiversidad en paisajes fragmentados en Mesoamerica. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Costa Rica, Heredia, Costa Rica. Pp. 75-104.


Vandermeer, J. and I. Perfecto. 2007. The diverse faces of ecosystem engineers in agroecosystems, pp. 367-385. In K. M. D. Cuddington, J. E. Byers, A. Hastings, and W. G. Wilson (eds.). Ecosystems Engineers: Concepts, Theory, and Applications in Ecology. Elsevier, Inc., NY.


Perfecto, I., I. Armbrecht, S. M. Philpott, L. Soto Pinto and T. V. Dietsch. 2007 Shade coffee and the stability of forest margins in Northern Latin America. In T. Tscharntke, M. Zeller and C. Leuschner (eds.), The Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Pp 227-263.


Perfecto, I. and I. Armbrecht. 2003. The coffee agroecosystem in the Neotropics: Combining ecological and economic goals. In J. Vandermeer (ed.), pp 159-194. Tropical Agroecosystems, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.


Perfecto, I. and J. Vandermeer. 2002. Caficultura y biodiversidad: cafetales como reservas de biodiversidad y biodiversidad como benefactora de la caficultura. In J. Pohlan (ed.), pp 75-86. Mexico y la Caficultura Chiapaneca: Reflexiones y Alternativas para los Caficultores. Shaker Verlag, Aachen.


Perfecto, I. and A. Castiñeiras, 1998. Deployment of the predaceous ants and their conservation in agroecosystems. In Barbosa, P. (ed.), pp 269-289. Conservation Biological Control. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.


Perfecto, I. 1994. Sustainable agriculture embedded in a global sustainable future: agriculture in the United States and Cuba. In B. Bryant, (ed.), pp 172-186. Issues, Policies, and Solutions for Environmental Justice. Island Press, Washington DC.


Perfecto, I. 1992. Pesticide exposure to farm workers and the international connection. In B. Bryant and P. Mohai, (eds.), pp 177-203. Race and the Incidence of Environmental Hazards, Westview Press, Boulder, CO.


Perfecto, I. 1991. Hazardous waste and pesticides: an international tragedy. In B. Bryant, and P. Mohai (eds.), pp 36-39. Environmental Racism: Issues and Dilemmas, University of Michigan, Office of Minority Affairs, Ann Arbor, MI.


Non-Peer-reviewed articles (journals/magazines)

   (* student or post-doctoral collaborator)


Catacoras-Vargas, G., I. Perfecto, and L.L. Ching. Chapter 5: Agroecology for socioecological resilience. In: The LandGap Report 2022. Dooley et al., (Eds.) Available at:


Jonas, T., P. Seufert, S. Engel-DiMauro, L. F. Chaves, L. Bergman, N. Gottdenker, A. Liebman, I. Perfecto, K. Rhiney, K. Williams Guillén, L. Kelley, and R. Wallace, PReP Agroecologies. Farming, Pandemics, and a conservation program, aimed at enriching the Global North. Dispatch #9, Pandemic Research for the People (September 9, 2022)


Chavez, L. F., N. Gottdenker, J. Vazquez Runk, A. Liebman, K. Williams-Guillén, L. Kelley, I. Perfecto, P. Saufer, T. Jones, . Bergman, S. Kruger, K. Anderson, R. Wallace. 2021. Scientists say land use drive new pandemics. But what if “land” isn’t what they think it is? Dispatch #7, Pandemic Research for the People (March 28, 2021)


Liebman, A., T. Jonas, I. Perfecto, L. Kelley, H.A. Peller, S. Engel-Dimauro, K. Rhiney, P. Saufer, L. F. Chavez, L. Bergmann, K. Williams-Guillén, M. Ajl, E. Dupain, J. Gulick, and R. Wallace. 2020. Can agriculture stop COVID-21, -22, and - 23? Yes, but not by greenwashing agrobusiness. Dispatch #6, Pandemic Research for the People


Liebman, A., I. Perfecto and R. Wallace. Whose agriculture drives diseases? 2020. AREC Blog, posted October 5, 2020.


Perfecto, I., J. Vandermeer and A. Wright. 2019. Biodiversity and agriculture: Nature’s matrix and the future of conservation. Food First Backgrounder 25 (4).


Vandermeer, J. and I. Perfecto. 2018. Coffee and the shock doctrine in Puerto Rico. Food First, August 4, 2018.


Vandermeer, J. and I. Perfecto. 2017. Science for the People with the EZLN: The fault lies with the flower. Against the Current, May/June 2017, pp 13-14.


Vandermeer, J., P. Rohani and I. Perfecto. 2015. Local dynamics of the coffee rust disease and the potential effect of shade. arXiv:1510.05849


Dos Santos*, I. A. and I. Perfecto. 2011. Impacts of Agroecosystems on ant 
biodiversity in the Amazon in Brazil. Forestry Research Newsletter (China) 18:20-23.


Perfecto, I. and C. Badgley. 2010. Can small-scale organic farms feed the world? Sojourners.


Ruiz, J., J. Vandermeer, I. Granzow de la Cerda, I. Perfecto, D. Boucher. In 
Press. Regeneración de bosques huracanados de Nicaragua (1988-2007): veinte 
años de experiencias de un programa de investigacion y enseãnza. Wani.


Williams-Guillen, K., I. Perfecto, and J. Vandermeer. 2008. Non-phyllostomid 
Bats across a gradient of agricultural intensification in coffee agroecosystems of 
Chiapas, Mexico. Bat Research News 49:185-186.


Perfecto, I. 2008. A new era for agriculture: International Agricultural Assessments Regional Reports, Latin America and the Caribbean. PAN North America Magazine. Summer 2008: 15.


Greenberg, R., I. Perfecto, S. M. Philpott. 2008. Coffee: Ecology in the 
Marketplace. (Guest Editorial) Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6: 115.


Perfecto, I. and C. Badgley. 2008. Kann Bio-landwirtschaft die welt erähren? Okologie & Landbau 146: 53-55.


Vandermeer, J. and I. Perfecto. 2007. Tropical conservation and grassroots social 
movements: ecological theory and social justice. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, April 2007: 171-175.


Perfecto, I. and C. Badgley. 2007. Can organic agriculture feed the world? Pesticide News 78, December, 2007.


Badgley, C. and I. Perfecto, J. Chappell, and A. Samulon 2007. Can organic agriculture feed the world? Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 22(2). Solicited commentary.


Perfecto, I. 2007. Biodiversity meets environmental justice. Pp 106-107 In Bullard et al (eds). Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty, 1987-2007. A Report prepared for the United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries.


Perfecto, I. 2003. Conservation biology and agroecology: de un pájaro las dos alas. Endangered Species Update 20: 133-145.


Armbrecht, I. and I. Perfecto. 2002. Diversidad de Artrópodos en agroecosistemas 
cafeteros. Pp 11-16 In Monro, A. and M.C. Peña. Actas del Simposio café y Biodiversidad. Revista Protección Vegetal, año 12(2) Edicion Especial. San Salvador. ISBN 0565091816.


Ruiz, J., D. H. Boucher, J. H. Vandermeer, I. Granzow de la Cerda, I. Perfecto and V. Martinez Salgado. 2001. Recuperación inicial de un bosque incendiado y previamente afectado por el huracán Juana en Nicaragua. Encuentro XXXII(58): 66-75.


Granzow de la Cerda, I., J Vandermeer, I. Perfecto and D. Voucher. 2000. El papel de los huracanes en la diversidad y la estructura de los bosques tropicales. Quercus Cuaderno 176, Octubre 2000: 42-45.


Granzow de la Cerda, I, J. Vandermeer and I. Perfecto. 1999. Los bosques húmedos de Centro America. El Ecologista 18: 35-39.


Perfecto, I. 1996. Loss of insect diversity in a changing agroecosystem: the case of coffee technification. In: Proceedings of the 1st Sustainable Coffee Congress, September 1996 Rice, R., A. M. Harris and J. McLean (eds.). Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, Washington, DC.


Boucher, D. H., J. H. Vandermeer, M. A. Mallona, N. Zamora, I. Perfecto, I. Granzow. 1996. Mortalidad masiva y retardada de árboles después del huracán Juana (Massive and delayed tree mortality after hurricane Joan). Wani 19: 38-42.


Vandermeer, J. and I. Perfecto. 1995. Slicing up the rainforest on your breakfast cereal. The Humanist. September/October 1995: 24-30.


Perfecto, I., M.A. Mallona, I. de la Cerda and J.H. Vandermeer. 1994. Los recursos terrestres del Caribe nicaragüense: hacia una filosofía de sostenibilidad (Natural resources of Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast: toward a philosophy of sustainability). Wani 15: 46-59.


Global Exchange Delegation Members (8 members). 1993. Sustainable agriculture: The Cuban experiment. Global Pesticide Campaigner 3 (4): 1, 8-10. 22.


Perfecto, I. and B. Velázquez. 1992. Farmworkers: amongst the least protected. EPA Journal 18: 13-14.


Vandermeer, J. H., I. Perfecto and D. Boucher. 1991. Conservation in Nicaragua 
and Costa Rica: indirect consequences of social policy. International Ecology 
Conference Bulletin (INTECOL) 20: 2-3.


Vandermeer, J. H., I. Perfecto, M. Reeves, and N. Zamora. 1991. Los bosques costeños tres años después del huracán Joan. (The Caribbean forests of Nicaragua, 
three years after Hurricane Joan). Wani 11: 78-102.


Benítez, J. and I. Perfecto. 1990. Patrón de distribución de hormigas en 
diferentes sistemas de café. (Ants distribution in various coffee systems). 
Agroecología Neotropical. 1: 11-15.


Vandermeer, J., D. Boucher, I. Perfecto, L. Roth, T. Will and W. K. Yih. 1990. Los bosques devastados de Bluefields: Segunda expedición (The devastated forests of Bluefields: Second expedition). Wani 8: 60-73.


Book Reviews


Perfecto, I. 2007. Applying Nature’s Design. Corridors as Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation, by A. B. Anderson and C. N. Jekins. Environmental Conservation 34 (1): 86.


Perfecto, I. 2003. Ecoagriculture: Strategies to Feed the World and Save Wild 
Biodiversity, by J. A. McNeely and S. J. Scherr. Ecology 84: 3100-3102.


Perfecto, I. 1996. A Cautionary Tale: Failed U.S. Development Policy in Central America, by M.E. Conroy et al., and Bittersweet Harvests for Global Supermarkets: Challenges in Latin America’s Agricultural Export Boom by L.A. Thrupp. Natural Resources and Society.


Perfecto, I. 1994. Crop Ecology, by R.S. Loomis and D. J. Connors. Ecology 75: 573-574.


Perfecto, I. 1991. A Race to Save the Tropics, by R. Goodland. Endangered Species Update 8 (11): 5.


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